Why do parents choose Christian schools? This is an important question to answer. You know that putting your children in a Christian school is a significant investment. What is that return on investment (ROI)? This is a common business question because it is relatively easy to answer since your measure your ROI in dollars and percentages, which are concrete, easy-to-understand data. How do we measure the ROI of Christian schools?

The Barna Group published a research paper (https://www.barna.com/research/parents-look-christian-schools/) in 2017 that examined the educational goals of parents with children enrolled in an Association of Christian Schools International school. The top 5 educational goals of these parents were:
1. Strong principles and values (align with the principles and values taught at home).
2. Love for God and people.
3. Wisdom (ability to apply knowledge).
4. Faithfulness and obedience to God.
5. Leadership skills and abilities.

Further down the list are goals related to financial success, increased opportunities in life, and increased social status or mobility. Parents enrolling their children in a Christian school are expecting the Christian school to shape and mold the faith and the character of their children.

So how do you measure your ROI in Christian education? You can ask if the school is intentional about shaping the character of your children. In Community Christian Schoolโ€™s case, are we fulfilling our mission and vision?

Mission: To equip our students so that they are firmly rooted in the Christian faith and prepared to fulfill God’s calling to serve in all areas of life.

Vision: Our vision is for your child to:
โ€ข Live Biblically
โ€ข Comprehend God-given identity and worth
โ€ข Develop Christian character
โ€ข Experience grace
โ€ข Build communities of belonging
โ€ข Transform lives through service, leadership, and innovation
โ€ข Radiate enthusiasm for life and learning
โ€ข Grow in knowledge and skills
โ€ข Create beautiful, excellent work