

Community Christian School Logo

Community Christian School

Inspiring Minds. Engaging Hearts. Building Character.

Community Christian School exists because Jesus is everything and we desire to be His faithful servants in everything we do.


Christian Education is an Investment

As a Christian parent, you deeply love and care for your children.ย  You give your children your best and you invest a lot of time molding and shaping them.ย  You teach them your beliefs and values.ย  Yet, you worry about their well-being and their future.ย  You know that once they reach school-age, you are sending them into the care of others for a significant portion of the day.ย  You wonder if they will be loved.ย  You worry about the beliefs and values will they be taught.ย  You fear that they will not receive the skills and knowledge they need.ย  ย Community Christian School exists to help you raise and educate your children and to help set your worries aside.ย  We reinforce and teach the beliefs and values of your home and your church.ย  We care for each student by tailoring their education to allow them to flourish and grow into the person God created them to be.ย  We teach them the skills and knowledge they need in an engaging learning environment.ย  We provide opportunities for students to serve God, each other, and their community.ย  We teach to the whole child.ย  We are devoted to meeting their spiritual, academic, emotional, social, and physical needs.

  • Inspiring Minds – Education is about acquiring the skills and knowledge to live in the 21st century.ย  Our students are taught the Ontario curriculum from a Christian perspective.ย  Our students are taught to be creative and innovative.ย  Our students are taught to achieve the dream of a better world.
  • Engaging Hearts – The Christian faith is built upon loving God and loving others.ย  Our students are taught how to worship God through learning.ย  Our students are taught how to serve each other and how to serve students in other grades.ย  Our students are taught how to serve their communities.
  • Building Character – Character is important.ย  Our students are taught how to live out Christian character traits in their everyday work and interactions.

Open to Everyone

Our school is open to any family that wants their child(ren) to experience education built on the foundations of faith, love, and service.ย  You are welcome to come and visit us at any time to see for yourself.ย  Our registrations for enrolment are open year-round.ย  Contact us, 519-638-2935 or info@ccsdrayton.org, for more information.



Follow these steps to learn more about Community Christian School and begin your child’s educational journey.

  • Schedule a Call – Schedule a call for a time that works best for you.ย  ย A call is an opportunity for you to ask your initial questions.ย  It is also an opportunity for us to get to know a little about you.ย  At the end of the call, you will be asked to schedule a visit, which is the next step.

  • Visit – The best way to get to know us is to visit us.ย  During a visit, you and your child will experience our school culture.ย  You will see our community in action.ย  You will meet the teachers and students of Community Christian School.ย  You and your child will spend most of your time in the classroom of the grade your child will enter.ย  You will be given time to observe the classroom and ask the teacher all of your questions.ย  Your child (if they are comfortable) can spend time interacting with the students in the class.ย  You will meet our principal.ย  He will answer any of your additional questions.ย  Our tuition fees and structure will also be explained during the visit.

  • Think and Pray – Do not rush into a decision.ย  We want to make sure this is the right decision for your family.ย  You will get time to think and pray about your decision.

  • Register –ย You will receive all the documents necessary to register your child(ren).ย  Once you complete the necessary paperwork, it will be reviewed to determine if any additional materials are needed or additional questions need to be asked.ย  You will receive confirmation that we have received all the necessary paperwork.

  • The First Day of School – The first day of school is your child’s first step in his/her educational journey at Community Christian School.ย  We use the word “journey” because education is a process, not an event.ย  The process begins with the first day and continues for a lifetime of learning and growth.

Begin the journey today.


To equip our students so that they are firmly rooted in Christian faith and prepared to fulfill God’s calling to serve in all areas of life.

Our students are taught from our foundational beliefs, which are rooted in Reformed teaching philosophy. We believe in Godโ€™s sovereignty over all things, including education, and in understanding that this world and everything in it belongs to God, revealing God and His redemptive purposes. We look with confidence at our world in all its diversity through a biblical lens in all areas of school and help students discover their role in it. This teaching aids students in developing a Christian worldview, which supports the beliefs of Christian parents and Christian churches.

The development of Christian character in our students is also embedded in our foundational beliefs. Character education is a learning process that enables students and adults in a school community to understand, care about and act on core ethical/moral values. Our ethical/moral values are rooted and anchored in the truth and wisdom of the Bible, based primarily upon Jesusโ€™ teaching to โ€œLove the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. And the second is like it: `Love your neighbor as yourself.โ€ The fruit of the Spirit and being equipped with the armour of God: truth, righteousness, preparation of the Gospel of peace, faith, salvation, and the Word of God and Prayer, are the indicators that we are living this command in faithful service.

God created us as social beings. In a culture of loneliness and disconnection, we are intentionally fostering a sense of belonging and a need to be actively engaged in a community with our students. A community that values the presence and contribution of all of its members because we display the image of God. A community that understands that God created diversity and interdependence throughout all of creation. We celebrate that complexity. A community that is shaped by professional Christian teachers that demonstrates care and concern for each individual student. Enabling each student to be all they were created to be.

Your child(ren) will receive an education that is distinctly Christian. Your child(ren) will be fully accepted into a learning community that recognizes that they are uniquely created in the image of God. Your children) will be mentored, guided, and taught by mature Christians, who possess professional teaching credentials.

Our promise can be answered from the following question, โ€œWhat is the unique, unforgettable, rewarding experience that others should have when connecting with Community Christian School?โ€ We want everyone who connects with Community Christian School to be able to say:

  • I know that our students are in a Christian learning environment that challenges them to grow in knowledge, and skills, and character resulting in beautiful work that honours God.

  • I am joining an organization that is community-focused. It comprises like-minded and passionate Christian parents and Christian education advocates.

  • I see students engaged in Christian learning and developing knowledge, skills, and Christian character.

We believe that Christian education values every student as a child of God.ย  Because of that belief, our students are loved and nurtured.ย  Their gifts and talents are developed and their education is tailored to allow them to flourish and grow.ย  In our school, our core values are weaved into all aspects of our student’s educational experience.

Core Values

  • Devoted: Our students demonstrate a strong and eager devotion to God.
  • Empathetic: Our students accept, love, and support each other.
  • Growing: Our students demonstrate that we are discovering our role in Godโ€™s story and learning new skills and ideas to serve Him.
  • Professional: Our students work as professionals in every role we have and strive for excellence.
  • Courageous: Our students will be courageous in their decision-making and their actions.
  • Curious: Our students stand in awe of Godโ€™s whole creation.
  • Enthusiastic: Our students display passion and enthusiasm for learning, teaching, and serving.


Community Christian School Parent
Christian education has been a life-changing experience for our entire family.ย  Our children who are students at Community Christian School have had help in forming their faith journey by their teachers, their peers, and the Christian view of the curriculum.ย  They are able to see God in this broken world and are encouraged to use their gifts so God can use them as his faithful servants.ย  We as parents have also grown in our faith in Christ, by His taking care of our needs.ย  Christian education comes at a cost, however, it is an investment in our children that we feel God has blessed our family with.ย  We are extremely grateful for this opportunity!

Rachel Roth

Community Christian School Parents
We are so thankful to be a part of the Community Christian School and Community! It is such a good feeling to know that our two children get to go to school every day and be immersed in such a positive and welcoming Christian environment, all while learning Christian values and biblical principles in all aspects of their learning. Our children have amazing and caring teachers, staff and volunteers who recognize each child’s unique gifts and help build them up for the kingdom of God.ย  ย From the first moment, we came to the school for our first open house (many years ago!)- we knew this community felt like home.ย 
Ben & Tryphena deBoer
Community Christian School unknown
We are THANKFUL to have access to Christian education at Community Christian School. We are THANKFUL for the teachers who pour into the lives of our children weekly and serve as role models. We are THANKFUL for every opportunity our children get to HEAR THE GOSPEL message, so that they would in turn KNOW & LIVE THE GOSPEL. We are THANKFUL that our children are surrounded by so many people who LOVE THE LORD.
Kelly Robertson & Patrick Lauzon

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Investing in the Life of Your Child.

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